Once again, I didn't get the additional material cataloged before there were bids, so here's the rest of what will be in the Man Who Pulled Down the Sky collection -- again, this is almost certainly complete now. You can find the auction at
where it still has a little time to run (closes just before midnight, mountain time, on Sat the 24th).
Here, then, are the 11 more items I found, bringing the total to an even 30:
T Rough spec for a program for figuring out the populations of the space colonies for MEMOIRS OF A PAWN Jan 1984 Notation might only make sense to me but this was to be a program in BASIC; as I recall the submodules never did run well, and I abandoned it in favor of pen and paper calculation
U Short note on one page of graph paper about the makeup of the Orbital Republics (the bad guys in MEMOIRS OF A PAWN) Jan 1984 List of their names and of which nations founded them
V 80-sheet steno pad from Middle South Services; contains outline of Memoirs of a Pawn, title noodling, and pen and paper calculations of population of Orbital Republics Date in biz/proprietary material is 11/22/83 A few blank pages after the routine business material from development of a test generator, there are several pages labeled "Cats Away Dept." which contain extensive work on Memoirs of a Pawn – probably the outline written sometime before I began work in January 1984
W Yellow 8 1/2 x 11 notebook with revision plans for first 4 chapters of Memoirs of a Pawn Almost certainly July 1984; this was probably prepared just before packing up to move from New Orleans to Missoula. Letter found in notebook dates from August 1984 and there are some notes about the house-hunting trip to Missoula in the notepad. One set of notes dated 7/24 About half of notebook is empty. Many of the notes are research notes; as I recall, after we found an apartment in Missoula we had some days left, and besides hiking and exploring the town, I did some library work there (call numbers tend to indicate this was done at Missoula, not at Tulane). Other notes are questions about plot, characters, etc. for myself. Page numbers are consistent with Item X and Item R
X Heavily marked up partial draft (pages 1-79) of Memoirs of a Pawn July 1984 Page numbers are consistent with Item W and Item R. Very heavily marked by my standards in those days (I mark even more now)
Y Chart of units (Kaypro 4 required small units of text, no long files) and what happens in them up through Chapter 3 in rough draft of Memoirs of a Pawn May or June 1984 The plot was going badly astray and I was far into the book with nothing happening yet, so I tried to analyze my way out of the situation, with mixed results. I apparently meant to do more of a chart than this but stopped at Unit 140. I no longer have any idea what the column labeled "things communicated (see list)" refers to
Z Agency copy of THE MAN WHO PULLED DOWN THE SKY (hand-relabeled) July 1985 This was the copy my agent used to prepare photocopies to send to publishers
AA Markup copies of heavy rewrite units May or June 1985 A few units were almost totally re-written in the draft prepared after my agent gave me notes; I kept track of which those were, printed them out, and did an especially close going-over for typos of them (again, trying to deliver perfect copy in those long-ago days when it mattered)
BB Failed printer experiments with very first draft of MEMOIRS OF A PAWN Jan-Feb 1984 It took me a long time to get an answer back from Radio Shack and Kaypro about how to set the dip switches to make a TRS80 printer work with a Kaypro 4 properly; meanwhile I didn't trust disks, so I made these printouts, which were mostly a mess. But they're the very earliest typewritten forms of any part of the book. Most are labeled by unit and page numbering starts again at the beginning of each unit. Maybe 65 pages in all
CC Stray extra copies of pages 36-41 and 259-260 from final draft Unsure, but after June 1985 These may have been printer overruns or the tails and heads that I printed to make sure I got all the pages I needed for a draft. They are unmarked and identical to the text of the equivalent pages in Item Z and Item O
DD New front material – Mendenhall's economic/politics memo, early draft May 1985 Rough draft of the only table of marginal rates of return I've ever seen in a science fiction novel; I wrote in Mendenhall's voice as the economist. This became part of the prologue of the finished book.
Saturday, February 24, 2007
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